
About me

My name is Leslie Vincent. I am a wife to Michael and mother to 6 wonderful children, Mariela-11, Gabriella-10, Makayla-8, Vanessa-3, Carson-2 and Blake born 4/27/12. God has blessed me with a hard working husband and the honor of staying home with my children everyday.

My husband and I met on eHarmony and were married on June 27th 2008. We are a blended family and I am blessed to have found a husband who cares so much for my oldest 3 girls!!!
I LOVE to cook/bake and luckily for my family, I am pretty good at it :) I home school my kids and I find it a privilege to be able to do so. I am very crafty and I love making things for around the house. I got a sewing machine for my birthday, so hopefully I will learn how to use it!! For the most part I am a good all around woman who is good at most things :)
Here are a few comments/questions that I hear quite a bit that drive me nuts.....
Q. Wow! Are all of those your kids?!?
A. No, we found a few standing outside and thought we would bring them along.....
Q. You do know what causes that right?!?
A. Yup, Sure do..... and that is why we have so many :)
Q. Haven't you ever heard of birth control?
A. hmmmm....Nope, what is that?
Q. How do you feed them all?
****This is by far the dumbest question I hear...... We have a trough outback and we just throw food in it once a day....... I feed them just like you feed your kids.
Q. How do you afford them? We would love to have more kids, but we can't afford them.
A. Yes, you can. You just don't want to give up your lifestyle in order to afford more.
Q. Are you done now?
A. Honestly, why do you care?  No, we probably are not done. We have left that in God's hands. We trust that He will not give us more than we can handle. We also trust that where God guides, He provides!
A few other things I want to address.... Don't feel bad for our older kids. They do help out around the house and with the littler ones, but they don't mind. It drives me nuts when I hear people say that the older kids have to do too much work when people have large families. If you don't want a large family then that is your business, but please don't tell me about my family because you have no idea. My older kids help and play with their younger siblings without being asked to, because they love them. They do things to help out around the house because they love me. ALL of my kids want us to have more kids, so obviously they are ok with the added stuff that comes with being a larger family. OK- Rant over.......
If you see a large family out in your community I urge you not to ask any of these questions. We don't like them and you are not the first person to ask them. After awhile they get old......Plus, we usually walk away thinking that you are ignorant in your thinking. No offense. This is how we choose to live our life and we are all very happy!

For those of you who want to know how we live because you are interested in how we do it then I have no problem sharing with you :) I pray that this blog can be an encouragement to all of you. God has blessed me more than I ever thought possible. Anywhere we go people stare at us and we are usually noticed. God, has put me in a place where people notice me/us. I am not sure why, but I trust that He has a good reason. I have people come up and talk to me and say, "I saw you at........" I have NO CLUE who these people are, but they "know of" me. I believe that God wants to use me and my family for His purpose and I pray that we can bring glory to Him and His purpose for our lives.



  1. Wonderful post!! We "only have 4" children and we get the looks and comments!! We just laugh at them and later say all the things we were too polite to say to their faces! :)

    I've really enjoyed browsing your blog! I found you through Pinterest. I always check to make sure the link is correct so I came here, pinned some more, read quite a bit, and have had a great time! I really like your post on your children's finances. That is awesome!! Our world would be a much better place if more parents taught personal responsibility!!!

    I'll be back to visit again!!

    1. Thank you Debbie for your comment!! I am glad that you found my blog :) It means a lot to me when people tell me that they enjoyed reading my blog. I hope you return!

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