
Friday, February 1, 2013

The truth

I recently had a conversation with a friend who was very inspired by my blog :) That was a HUGE compliment!!! Since starting this blog I have had quite a few people tell me that they love reading my blog! It still seems strange to go places and see people that I know and have them make a comment about something I wrote on my blog. I even get comments from people thanking me for certain posts because they too are now implementing some of the ideas that I use with my family.
HUGE Compliment!!!
I started this blog to help people understand my life as a wife and mother of a large family. People always seem to ask me questions about how I do this or that and that is why I choose to share my life with all of you. I really do pray that this blog will in someway help or touch everyone who reads it :)
With that being said I also want to make it know that I am NOT perfect!
I do not want this blog to come across as something that is unattainable for you! Yes, I have a wonderful relationship with God, my husband and my kids, BUT I fail daily as well!
The truth is........
I get mad and yell at my kids
I don't read my Bible as much as I should/want to
I don't always have a perfectly clean house
I fight with my husband
I am not always patient
Some days I don't feel like cooking, and we have mac 'n cheese for dinner
I have misunderstandings with friends
I can get irritated easily
I cry because I have a VERY strong willed boy who does NOT listen
I have days where I want to lock myself in the bathroom and never come out!!!
We ALL have days like these!!!!
This does not make you or anyone else a bad wife or mother!
It is life and life is difficult sometimes!!!
Luckily, if I totally screwed up my day and I go to bed feeling like I am the worst mother on the planet I know that tomorrow is a new day!
Tomorrow, I get the chance to start fresh.

Lamentations 3:22-23

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I will wake up the next morning and pray that my day is better than the day before. I get up and I try not to think about what all I did wrong yesterday. I focus on today and what today holds. 
I do hope that I am able to help encourage some of you, but remember that just like you, I screw
Just because we are not perfect does not mean that we can't have wonderful relationships with our spouses, children, one another and God!!

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