
Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year's post proven

I just received a phone call from my aunt (My biological dad's sister). She called to tell me that my grandpa had passed away earlier this week.
They had his service and funeral yesterday.
I just received a Christmas card from him on Saturday.
I was going to call him this week to tell him thank you for the card, but my mind was so occupied with all the other stuff going on right now I didn't get to it. I always thought of calling him when it when it was either early in the morning or late in the evening. Not really appropriate times to call :(
Like I said last week........ Don't wait until it is too late to tell those around you that you love them, because you may loose your chance.
All of the stuff that is going on around me isn't more important than my family, but I have allowed myself to be caught up in it. Because of that I will never get to talk to my grandpa agian (well, not on earth that is) 
I know that he is in heaven dacing with my grandma again and that he is probably the happiest he has ever been before in his life! I also know that in time I will see him again, but there is still a small guilt feeling in my stomach for not picking up the phone earlier in the week.
I have never been closse to anyone on my father's side of the family, but he was the one I was closest to and I loved him. He was the the first Christian influence that I ever had in my life and I will always remember him for that :) 
Again, I can't stress enough that your family and friends are what is most important in your life, don't let yourself get consumed with your life and your stuff that you forget that. 

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