
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Makayla turns 8!

Well, I did it. I finally decided that it was time to start a blog. After many people asking me how I do everything that I do with 6 kids I am now willing to take time out of my day to let all of you wonderful people exactly how I make it through my days! It isn't always easy, but I figured that today was the perfect day to start sharing our some what crazy lives! 
Last week was my sweet, beautiful Makayla's 8th birthday!
(Good Morning Kay Kay!!)
First, a little note about birthdays at out house- At our house birthday's are a big deal! We don't do a big Christmas here. That means that we don't give our kids a bunch of gifts on Christmas. Instead we choose to make a huge deal out of their birthday's. The whole day is based around them, what they want to do, eat...etc and it makes them feel very special. We have a few traditions that we do every year that we know they look forward to :) Some of these traditions include putting wrapping paper over their doors so that they have to break through the wrapping paper in order to get out! This year I went a step further and I used a plastic table cloth from the dollar store and stuffed it with ballons in between the door and the table cloth and she had a balloon avalanch when she opened the door! Plus, she still had the task of getting through the table cloth in order to get out of her room.  She seemed to really enjoy that! We also always get the kids a birthday balloon bouquet. We buy them as many ballons as the age they are turning. This year Makayla got a bouquet with 8 balloons :) Now on with our day......
My beautiful girl loves Harry Potter. She has loved Harry Potter since the age of 3. One year she even dressed up as Harry for Halloween :) This year Makayla decided that she wanted a Harry Potter birthday. Well, lucky me, Harry Potter decorations are not available anywhere in my area. What is a mom to do?!? Make her own that's what! Makayla knew that I couldn't find any HP decorations. What she didn't know is that her mama is awesomely (not sure if that is an actual word, but I am going with it anyways.) creative! Thanks to the internet I was able to come up with a few DIY HP decorations.  
   I found this "party poof" for the ceiling on pinterest that I did in the Gryffindor colors, well, sort of. I also decided to buy battery operated tealights to hang from the ceiling, this was actually the hubs idea. I used envelopes and wrote HP's address that came on his invitation to Hogwarts and I used white thread to hang the envelopes and tealights from the ceiling to give the illusion of them floating. Finally, I used white balloons and drew an owl on them to represent Harry's owl. She was beyond excited to see the decorations!


For gifts I like to do or make something original for the kids, not just buy them a bunch of toys. This year I found a really cool gift on pinterest that I wanted to make for my little Kay Kay. The idea was to make a flower bouquet out of candy. I knew she would LOVE it! I looked at the pin and just like I look at every other thing that I pin I decided that it needed some Leslie work to make it even better. I bought a small bowl/vase, Whoppers, Rolo candy, gummy worms, mint M&M's, green licorice, lollipops in the shapes of flowers, and crystal rock candy. (The original pin only used Whoppers, green licorice, rock candy, and large swirl lollipops)

I wanted to use 2 different types of candy for the "dirt" and what is good soil without some worms in it! The M&M's went on top of the dirt and the green licorice acted as the grass. Then the lolipops were the different flowers.
I was very pleased with how it turned out!

 Just as I suspected, Makayla LOVE it!!!!
We really believe in home made gifts in our family. We feel that they mean so much more because it came from our hearts and made special for the recipient. Mariela also made Makayla something for her birthday and she was SO excited!!
It is a purse :)

My oldest had a wonderful idea to do a scavenger hunt for Makayla to find her other gifts after dinner. Michael and I had a blast with this!! We wrote clues on index cards and put them in evelopes. Each clue would lead her to either a gift or another envelope. Now, what kind of parents would we be if we didn't have some fun with this game?!? There were some clues that we knew would send her to one location, but there was another location that could have worked also. So this is where we had some fun :) One of the cards we made said "I want some cookies and __________" We knew she would go into the fridge to get the milk, but we also have a fridge in our room that we keep back-up gallons of milk in. When she went to the main fridge for the milk we had an envelope taped to the milk, but inside there was a card that read "YUCK- you found ear wax beans! Try Again!" (Remember this was a HP inspired birthday, only fitting that we use jelly beans to represent the every flavor bean from HP, right?) I think we had a lot more fun with this than she did...haha!! By the end of the game she found 3 gifts, 3 envelopes with special coupons in them, 1 envelope with movie tickets in them and 4 envelopes with flavored beans. I believe there were a total of 15 envelopes we hid around the house. This really was a lot of fun and is now going to be a new tradition that we do for the kids to find their gifts :)

Reading one of her clues.

                                           Where are you clue??

We got her the movie "Jack & Jill"
She was a little excited!

The next step in her perfect Harry Potter birthday was the cake. She was very precise in what she wanted in a cake! She even drew a picture of what all she wanted during our school time one day. This cake she drew up was no joke! She wanted it in the shape of the sorting hat and then she wanted a wand, time turner, snitch, a little Harry Potter person....the list was quite extensive! I didn't add everything she wanted to it, but at least I made the cake look like the hat (or an angry mountian). I did make a wand and a snitch out of rice krispy treats and covered them in fondant. Makalya made her own Harry out of fondant that made her day :)

The final product

Makayla's findant Harry Potter

The cake was huge!!

Time to cut the cake

I would say that the day was a total success! Michael had to work that day and we didn't get to go out and do anything that Makayla wanted to do, so this weekend we will be going down to NC for the weekend! Makayla wants to go to Marbles Childrens Museum, the mall and Chuck E Cheese while we are there. We are all looking forward to a 3 day weekend away!!

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